Thursday, January 8, 2009

Yep, still pregnant

I had my first doctor's appointment today. I was kind of disappointed, but I don't know what I was expecting. I peed in a cup and they put a stick in it. The stick shows that I'm pregnant. Well, I already knew that. I've done that with four sticks and a cassette already! But I got the okay to stay on my metformin. And I go back in four weeks. Oh, and I got a little baby packet of coupons and information booklets. It even came with a CD-rom. I'll have to check that out later.

Of course, when I got back to work from the Dr's, one of my co-workers asked if everything was good. I said yes. She said, so any news. I said nope. BabyWatch 2009 is in full effect!


Dleigh said...

Glad the first visit went well.

Amy said...

Wow, they sure are on a baby watch for you huh???